When Fern Tate sold her interior landscape company to a national corporation, she didn’t expect to have a boss like Pendleton Morgenthal, III. Had she made the biggest mistake of her life?
Pen never allowed a woman—especially a subordinate—to distract him from his fast-track career. What was it about Fern that made her different?
When Fern Tate sold her interior landscape company to a national corporation, she didn’t expect to have a boss like Pendleton Morgenthal, III. Had she made the biggest mistake of her life?
Pen never allowed a woman—especially a subordinate—to distract him from his fast-track career. What was it about Fern that made her different?
I wrote this story early in my writing career in response to a call for submissions from a romance publisher for contemporary romance novels that began with a letter or other form of correspondence. I had just sold my interior landscape company and enjoying sharing some humorous incidents that we had encountered in 20 years in the business.
I submitted part of the manuscript as homework in an online writing class, and the instructor predicted this book would be picked up by a publisher right away. However, when it was rejected by the publisher I targeted it for, I never tried again. Fern’s Fancies is genre romance, a la Harlequin or Silhouette Romance (the “sweet romance” lines). It’s a light, fun, and sometimes humorous read.