I hope you’ve missed me and wondered why I haven’t been posting. Maybe you imagined me on an exotic vacation or spending every minute working on my novel. Wrong on both counts. I have been hospitalized a couple of times and spent four weeks in a skilled nursing facility for rehab.
I’ve never hidden the fact that I think skilled nursing facilities are a waste of time. During my stay there, I had half an hour of physical therapy and half an hour of occupational therapy each day. The rest of the time I listened to audiobooks, sat in my wheelchair waiting for therapy or a meal, or slept. I wanted to go to an inpatient rehab facility, but the therapists at the hospital said I wasn’t strong enough to do therapy for three hours a day. I don’t see why they can’t have a rehab facility that offers less therapy at first if the patient isn’t strong enough for the full regimen and add exercises and time as the patient progresses. But nobody asked me. At any rate, I finished the therapy meeting all my goals, another miracle in my life.
Now it’s time to get back to work on my novel, Act of Faith. I had hoped to have the first draft finished by now, but health issues got in the way. I’m determined to get back on a regular schedule that includes working on Act of Faith. I really believe that God wants me to publish this novel, and I’m working to finish it soon. The story follows a secondary character in Dream or Destiny, and I’m eager to move forward with the book.

My goal is to stay out of the hospital finish my novel. You should be hearing more from me soon.