Happy 9th Blog Birthday!

Nine years ago today, I whispered, “Hello, World!” in my first blog post. Like most milestones, in some ways it seems that I’ve been blogging forever, and in other ways it seems that I just wrote those first words.

At first, I had few readers and no comments. Then for years, I had many readers and tons of comments. Then as social media became more popular than blogs, readership declined and comments faded away. A few months ago, I eliminated comments because I was getting very few legitimate comments but lots of spam. Readers can still contact me by email or contact form, and I welcome feedback.

Although I don’t post as much about writing and publishing as I used to, you can still read my series on topics such as self-publishing and character development and 1,734 posts sorted by date or the categories listed in the sidebar.

Image: © Depositphotos.com/Zerbor

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