Today is I Love to Write Day, and 2012 marks the 10th anniversary of the event. Author John Riddle started I Love to Write Day to encourage people to write and to nurture a love of writing in children.
November is National Lifewriting Month. I encourage everyone to write their own life story or family history. It can be as simple as a loose-leaf binder of pages printed from a computer or as sophisticated as a bound hardcover book. It can be given to family members and friends or it can be published for a larger audience. Imagine how much you would enjoy reading your great grandfather’s autobiography or your great-great grandmother’s memoir. Your great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren and generations beyond will be just as happy to read about your life. Make I Love to Write Day the beginning of writing your life story. You can celebrate National Lifewriting Month an I Love to Write Day as you start to create a priceless legacy for your descendants.
I am currently working on a very special life story. I am compiling stories my late husband frequently told others about his life, memories from friends and family members, and my favorite stories and memories of him. The book will be a cherished treasure for all of his family and friends, and the stories we share will be preserved for future generations. Although my primary purpose is to share Jack’s life with others who loved him, I will publish the book and make it available on as well.
Have you done any lifewriting—your own story or the life story of a loved one? If so, share your experience in comments. If not, have you considered doing so? Make a commitment and state your intention in a comment.