Thanks to Dominique at 4Walls and a View for the One Lovely Blog Award. Dominique has one lovely blog—in spite of serious chronic illnesses and many other challenges, she is upbeat and encouraging to her many readers, especially others with severe health issues.
Recipients are asked to pass the award along to 15 other blogs, preferably blogs new to us. Narrowing down the list was a challenge. In general, I tried to select blogs that I’ve started reading within the past few months and that update regularly. I also tried to select a mix of blogs—some are Christian devotional blogs; some relate to writing or books; and some focus on other topics. Some will not pass the award on, but I wanted to recognize them anyway.
The criteria for accepting the award are as follows:
- Post it with the name of the person who granted you the award along with a link to her Web site.
- Pass the award on 15 blogs that you have newly discovered (if possible).
- Contact the bloggers to notify them they have received the award.
Here are my choices (in the order they appear in my feed reader):
- Books on the Knob—Every day Karen lists books that are free or discounted for the Kindle and other e-readers. Many of the books on my Kindle right now are there because I clicked on a link at Books on the Knob to download a free copy.
- Carolyn Scheidies’ I Deal in Hope Blog—I confess this is not a new blog for me. I’ve known Carolyn Scheidies and read her blog since she started it several years ago. However, I’ve never acknowledged how much I appreciate her daily devotionals and want to do that now.
- Daily Grace—Dr. Bobbi Jo’s devotional blog is a recent discovery for me. Her daily devotionals are short but packed with meaning.
- George Angus, Tumblemoose Writer—George’s passion for writing and passion for books shines through his posts.
- Good Honest Dollar—This is another blog I’ve read for a while but never recognized. Andrew discusses the ethics (or lack thereof) in real-world business situations.
- In His Name—Angela Joseph has been posting Christian articles and devotionals since 2005, but I only discovered her blog recently and am very glad I did.
- Indie Author—April L. Hamilton provides great advice and information about self-publishing.
- Sally’s Words—Sally is a minister’s wife who writes an eclectic blog about ministry, motherhood, and more.
- Self-Editing Blog—John Robert Marlow doesn’t post often, but when he speaks, authors listen to his excellent advice.
- Solid Rock or Sinking Sand—Lloyd Cannaday’s reflections constantly remind us to build our lives on Solid Rock (Jesus), not sinking sand (the world).
- The Book Designer—You would expect a designer’s blog to be lovely, which it is, but Joel Friedlander provides much useful information that every self-publisher needs to know if they want their self-published book to look like a traditionally published book.
- The Old Geezer Blog—The Old Geezer writes about faith, politics, current events—and he’s funny. I do have one thing against him. According to his bio, he’s a few months younger than I am, so if he’s an old geezer, what am I?
- Visual Arts Junction—You’ve seen links to VAJ several times here, so you may think this is not a new blog to me. However, I didn’t discover Aggie Villanueva’s blog until I hosted her on a blog book tour early this year. In addition to all the great information for authors, VAJ is one lovely blog because of Aggie’s fabulous photographic art.
- WordJourney Magazine—This is another blog I’ve read for quite awhile, since it first began, but have never publicly acknowledged how much I appreciate Matt Keegan’s information and inspiration.
- Words for Hire—Another not-new-to-me blog that I couldn’t leave off because everything about Karen and her words is absolutely lovely.
Thank you to each of these special bloggers for bringing me pleasure, information, and inspiration every time I open my feed reader. There are many more wonderful blogs that I enjoy reading regularly, many of whom I’ve recognized previously with other awards. Thank you for your contributions to the blogosphere.