Prolific Blogger Award

Helen Ginger at Straight from Hel honored me with the Prolific Blogger Award.

Helen blogs every day, while I usually blog three days a week. During Lent, as I did during Advent, I’m posting a daily Scripture, but I would find it difficult to to write a full post every day. So my hat’s off to Helen and other daily bloggers.

I’m supposed to recognize seven other prolific blogs. Although the criteria for choosing these bloggers for the award is that they blog prolifically, as a bonus, they all write blogs well worth reading. I hope you’ll stop by their blogs to see how prolific and  entertaining/ informative/ fun/ worthwhile they are.

Bluestocking at The Bluestocking Guide
Dominique at 4 Walls and a View
Georganna at A Writer’s Edge
Karen at Books on the Knob
Lori at Words on the Page
Marilyn at Marilyn’s Musings
Ronnica at The Ignorant Historian

Thanks to each of you for entertaining, educating, and inspiring me with your prolific blogging. If you like, pass the award on to seven more prolific bloggers. If you prefer not to participate, just accept the honor and continue being a prolific blogger.

3/25/10: Thanks to Cynde at Cynde’s Got the Write Stuff for also honoring me with this award.

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