New Comment Policy: No Name, No Comment


I have tried to make commenting here easy and beneficial to commenters. DoFollow links, monthly thank-you posts, and Keyword Luv ensure readers who leave comments get do-follow keyword links, both on the original comment and in the thank-you post. I reply to each comment so you know I read and appreciate what you write.

The only things I ask of commenters are that you read the post and say something relevant and that you identify yourself. Yet I continue to get keywords left in the place of names—even when simply writing Your Name @ Your Keywords will give you a keyword link and let me reply to you as a real person instead of an inamimate object, a job function or place, or a concept.

Frankly, I can’t relate to Printer Cartridges, Jonestown Plumber, or Divorce Advice like I can to Sue of Printer Cartridges, Joe of Jonestown Plumber, or Terry of Divorce Advice. I have requested over and over again that commenters leave their names, yet many ignore my request for what I consider a simple courtesy.

Therefore, I will no longer approve comments that are identified only by a keyword. You must leave a name. I realize that some people prefer to remain anonymous online, and I respect that. If you consistently use a nickname that I can recognize as a person, I will continue to approve comments as long as you continue to leave relevant comments.

However, if you leave a comment identifying yourself with keywords only, your comment will be sent to spam. If you have commented before, and your comment doesn’t go into moderation, I will delete it and add you to the spam blacklist. I hope you will start leaving comments wih a name or nickname.

I am sorry if this policy seems unreasonable; however, I believe it is only common courtesy to identify yourself when you carry on a conversation.

Creative Commons License photo credit: annapmagistra

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