Blog Book Tour for Dream or Destiny

Note added 10/27/08: Check the blog tour page for a tour schedule that is updated daily with direct links to the posts. The list below includes links to the host blogs’ main page rather than to specific posts.

I’m going on an international tour for Dream or Destiny—a blog book tour, that is.

As you can see from the schedule below, I’m stopping at some fabulous blogs. The hosts are located in Germany, India, Scotland, Belgium, Guatemala, and the US. They have lined up a variety of activities—interviews, a podcast, reviews, and guest posts. The interviewers came up with some intriguing questions. I hope you’ll follow the tour and visit all the super blogs who will be hosting me. You’ll have a chance to win a copy of Dream or Destiny at many of the stops.

I hope to see you at all my stops around the blog world!

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