I just finished an excellent Bible study of Hebrews with Pastor Ralph Wilson of JesusWalk. I’ve taken several studies from Pastor Wilson and also enjoy them and learn a lot. Since health challenges make it difficult for me to participate in the Bible studies at my church, I appreciate these online studies.
The next study is Experiencing the Psalms. Pastor Wilson describes the study like this:
The Book of Psalms represents a rich tapestry of prayer and praise. Some psalms reflect a texture of deep despair, other glow with a deep peace in the Lord’s strength, still others bubble with an exuberant exaltation of the Most High God. They cover the range of human emotion and experience. What they all have in common is prayer, a reaching out to God from every imaginable experience.
In this 12-week study we’ll attempt to enter into the experience of the psalms. Yes, we’ll explore the meanings of words and learn to appreciate the high art of these poetic masterpieces. We will study thoughtfully, carefully. But more than that we will find out how to pray. We will know how to find peace in the midst of turmoil. We will learn to be thankful. We will begin to follow the pattern of the psalmists as we begin to praise. In short, with the psalms that we study as our guide, we will grow deeper in our walk with the Lord and more able to offer worthy praise to the King. We will experience the Psalms.
I’m looking forward to this study, which begins August 31st. You can learn more or register for the course at Experiencing the Psalms: a 12-week Bible study exploring the richness of the Psalter.
[tags]Bible study, Psalms, Pastor Ralph Wilson, JesusWalk[/tags]