I hope you are taking a little time to review the past year and look ahead to the new one. As I look back on 2006, several things stand out.
On the personal side, I’m thankful that my husband had successful surgery to remove a melanoma and two heart procedures that have dramatically improved his health.
Although I had to quit driving during the year because of a seizure problem, I’m thankful that I can still get to church most of the time and that I can still volunteer with Internet and writing projects. I maintain contact with many wonderful friends and associates through the Internet.
On the professional side, some of my most exciting editing projects this year include:
The Last Boat Out: Memoirs of a Triumphant Vietnamese-American Family – this husband-wife memoir has not only been praised by reviewers but it is also a finalist in the EPPIE contest.
Spring House: Book 1 in the Westward Sagas – this historically accurate novel has received a number of outstanding reviews.
As Shadows Fall: People of the Frozen Earth Book 2 will be going out to reviewers soon and will be published early in 2007. You can read the first chapter at GASLight Publishing. It’s a sequel to The New Day Dawns: People of the Frozen Earth Book 1, which has been out a couple of years but is still garnering new and great reviews.
Although we’re still looking for an agent or publisher, Re-Deal: A Miss Guided Adventure is getting positive feedback, and I expect to share exciting news about it soon.
A couple of clients now have earned their doctoral degrees, and I hope that my editing their dissertations helped them achieve their success.
And my business clients keep me in steady work: writing business proposals; editing letters, manuals, and other documents; creating and maintaining Web sites; compiling and editing newsletters and blogs; and preparing and reviewing written materials of all kinds. The variety provides many opportunities for learning, and the clients themselves are all delightful to work with.
The only disadvantage of all the wonderful freelance projects I’ve been working on is that I haven’t had time to devote to Your Information Center. There are several more excellent e-books that needed to be put online, and promotion of the site has been almost non-existent. So one of my goals in the coming year is to create sales pages and upload the remaining products and to start a marketing campaign. Outstanding writers and editors have put in an incredible amount of time to create these easy-to-read-and-understand e-booklets that are practical guides for living. Now I have to make sure people know about these great resources.