Great Books Week and National Book Month

The first full week of October is Great Books Week, a time to celebrateĀ  “great books.” When we think of great books, we generally think of the classics, books that have been read for generations. Longevity is certainly an indication that a book is greatā€”people would not continue to read it for decades or hundreds of year if it didn’t have value. But I think great books are being written today, as well.

In my mind, a great book engages the reader both intellectually and emotionally. It entertains as well as provokes thought. It teaches without preaching and leaves us a little better than we were before we read it.

What do you think makes a book great? What is your favorite great book?

October is National Book Month. In January, I wrote that I found several sources that said January was National Book Month, but I couldn’t find any details. Recently, a reader left a comment on that post pointing me to the National Book Foundation, which celebrates National Book Month in October. As a booklover, I don’t mind celebrating books two months out of the year!

So, in honor of Great Books Week and National Book Month, go read a great book!

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