Bloggers Unite in Acts of Kindness

Today Bloggers Unite in Acts of Kindness at Blog Catalog.

Bloggers are encouraged to perform acts of kindness and blog about them today.

My act of kindness was to support someone who does much more than I do. I wrote about Linda Cano’s volunteer work for Soldiers’ Angels more than a year ago. Linda has been writing letters to nearly 100 soldiers even though it’s a big sacrifice for her. She has health issues, but she took a part-time job so she could afford to pay postage, buy items to send the soldiers … and even rent a computer. Yes, she has been renting a computer just to support our troops!

In the past, I was able to help Linda by introducing her to a friend who gave Linda money for postage. I wrote about that experience in Catalyst: God’s Tool.

Recently, my husband and I were able to support Linda in her support of the troops. We bought her a laptop so she can use the money she’s been spending on renting a computer on postage and more goodies for the troops.

Our act of kindness was small compared to all that Linda does for the troops through Soldiers’ Angels. But we are blessed that we could help her do even more.

You can find links to other posts about acts of kindness at Bloggers Unite. If you’re reading this on Monday, December 17, you can participate. If you’re reading this later … it’s never do late to do an act of kindness!

[tags]acts of kindness, bloggers unite, Soldiers’ Angels, support our troops[/tags]

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